January 10, 2025 Overview:
- Many aspects of the min/max system are replicated in the replenishment system that is in Multidev.
- Stores are assigned a default SALESRANKING (Smartforms usage/field list to be created).
- There are many more sales rankings available in Multidev (any single character, A-Z, 0-9, etc.). However, Universe data will be converted to Multidev using existing data (A-E sales rankings).
- Each sub-class (Universe classes are sub-classes in Multidev) can be overwritten with an override SALESRANKING. Otherwise, the store’s SALESRANKING is used.
- Through various updates, as is the case in Universe, the actual min and max values are stored at the store/product level. Meaning that, regardless of store sales ranking or sales ranking overwritten at the sub-class level, it is still possible to set a specific min and max value at the store/product level. These specific values can be protected or overwritten.
- Product can be set as a) replenishment to the stores and/or b) purchase from vendors.
- Unlike Universe, during configuration and the set-up of replenish groups, min and max values are expressed with a code. Example, the min/max code of N01X01 defines a min of 1 and a max of 1. The odd naming of these codes (N = min and X= max) is required due to a 6-character limit on the code itself and the need to express min or max values > 9.
- In the top usage group, there are three separate usages that pertain to this process:
- Review Plugins by sub-usage
- Set Mins and Max’s for subclass
- **PSUBC_REPLACE; **Updates the pclass and psclass columns in inventorymaster based on mappings from the psubc table.
- NOTE: We are reviewing the need of this functionality as it pushes pclass FROM psubc with seems like more of a general maintenance process versus a replenishment system issue.
- Execute class, Sub-Class reassignments INMAST_GEN_FLATSKU_W_MM_SCLASS**; **This procedure builds a list of every product from the selected subclass and then calls INMAST_GEN_FLATSKU_W_MM. This ensures that the min and max values are set for a product in branches by inserting or updating records in invbranchskus based on the mappings from psubc_br, Invmast_MinMaxSet, and Min_Max_Sets.
- Update Min/Max Ranking for Sub-Class
- This is table load procedure that can be used to batch update the table that holds the Min Max set for each store ranking in each sub-class (UPDATETABLEPARAMS format 1011)
- We will use this process to load Universe data during the data conversion/sync process.
- Generate records for new stores and sub-classes **PSUBC_BR_GENERATE; **Inserts records into the psubc_br table to ensure every branch type 'R' has an associated group, product class (pclass), and subclass (psclass) combination from pclass and psubc *for newly added sub-classes, i.e., this process does not update any store that already has a sales ranking on a new *
- Generate Size books and Sku settings for records using Sister store values PSUBC_BR_GENERATE_SBOOKS_MINS**; **This procedure populates the CORPSIZEBOOK_STORE table based on the sister store concept. NOTE: We are still working through the options that may exist here.
We are inquiring with Multidev on the need for this without a full understanding of sister stores. A version of this update will be used to bring over Universe store/sub-class overrides.
- Insert Min/Max Sets
- This is table load procedure that can be used to batch update the table that holds the Min Max sets (UPDATETABLEPARAMS format 1012).
- This batch updating process is likely not needed after Go Live and database configuration.
- Insert Store Rankings
- This is table load procedure that can be used to batch update the table that holds the Min Max sets (UPDATETABLEPARAMS format 1012).
- This batch updating process is likely not needed after Go Live and database configuration.
- User Product Lists
- User product lists are used for several purposes.
- A user product list is simply a list of SKUs.
- A min/max model is a User Product List of specific type = 99 MinMax Model.
- 'UpdateTablePlugin','IMPORT,1000'